
re_codr therapeutics + meditation is dedicated to helping you attain better cognitive abilities as well as greater physical and emotional health.

This counterintuitive approach to digital detoxification and the many negative side effects of your digital lifestyle or career, will help you achieve the maximum you.

re_codr's goal is to show you better downtime practices, helping you benefit from better sleep cycles, managing stress and pain, improving memory, learning and recall.

You will learn effective meditative practices through sound and visual training. Deprogram your brain from the constant negative bombardment of your over-stimulating digital environment. Understand how sound, visual art and motion positively effect the brain a how quickly the brain can learn new methods for mood control. Thus developing better sleep patterns and healing responses within the body.

Stress Relief

Improve Sleep Cycles

Increase Memory, Learning + Recall

Addiction Recovery

Digital Trauma+Digital PTSD

Decrease Brain Fog

Stimulate the
Natural Release of